
A Recap on the Moving to Australia Series. In Part One you have the idea. In Part Two you decide on the basis of your application having looked at the various Visa options. In Part Three we looked at the paperwork and using a MARA approved Migration Agent. Today we are going to agree the [...]

I have a category called “Australia’s Bad Things” and another called “Australian Climate”. Today, again, they meet. I have talked about the weather a lot and have often delighted in using the term “hot and sunny with clear blue skies”. And by and large it is. But then again…. Storms hits the Brisbane area – [...]


One of the things that drove me nuts in the UK was the traffic. The  M25 has been a joke since about 1990. I have watched the sunset from my car on that road many times! Thankfully I have no idea what it is like now, but I suspect it’s not good. Traffic around all [...]


For some people the idea of emigrating to Australia represents “a move too far”. To be 11,000 miles from all those friends, acquaintances, loved ones and relatives is often just too hard to bear. You can argue to yourself that they will, of course, visit. Hey! – it can be even better. Where you used [...]


Let’s recap on what we have so far. First you have the idea. It’s a simple idea which that says “I want to live in the paradise known as Australia”. Then you decide on the basis of your application having looked at the various Visa options. Now you need to start the application process. The [...]


I’m not sure if people, generally speaking, can instantly tell you what their favourite insect is. If you look closely at all of the possible contenders, I think that the only winner that makes any logical sense would be the bee. I am sure there isn’t another insect on the planet that works so hard [...]


Yamba Named Top Town in Australia Today, Yamba, according to a survey conducted by Australian Traveller magazine, was named the top town in Australia. If some of you may recall, Yamba was the first stop when we went on our great Australian road trip back in January. I made a couple of posts about it. [...]


I think I mentioned before that I am not a gardener. But unfortunately, I am having to get the hang of it. My experience with gardening is very limited, but the little I did do was in a cold, wet and predominantly cloudy climate, called England. There, I suspect every single seed had to draw [...]

Visa Assessment Service