May 2014


I try to travel is much that can and so far I’ve done well, I’ve been to 8 out of 10 of the major cities with just Perth and Canberra to go. I’ve been to many more towns and cities though, not just whilst on my Australian road trip either; I’ve made separate trips to [...]


They’d had it too easy for too long. It’s incredible to think that I’ve been writing for Australia and New Zealand magazine for four years now and up until this article I’d never really mentioned Australia’s killer creatures much at all. Well, it’s a glossy magazine, on sale in the UK, they really don’t want [...]


One of the joys of moving to a new country is discovering new places. I’ve been here over six years now and you’d probably think I would have run out of the places to see that are still within a relatively short driving distance for me. Not true. Jacobs Well I didn’t know Jacob was [...]


Well, I’ve still not yet been to Perth yet and it still is on my list of things to do. I have my mind set on a trip west within the next seven or eight months, but how will I get there? Almost certainly I will take a plane and be there within five or [...]


A couple months ago I did an interview with Professor Julian White (MB, BS, MD, FACTM), Consultant Clinical Toxinologist and Head of Toxinology at the Women’s & Children’s Hospital, Adelaide. We discussed Redback Spider Antivenom Doesn’t Work; True or False? As some of you will know, I was bitten by redback spider and when I [...]


The other day I was driving along the road, as you do, when out of the corner of my eye I saw an advertising sign on the pavement. This wasn’t any old advert, the message was actually quite disturbing. So disturbing, I needed to take a photograph of it. You will be pleased to hear [...]

funnel web

Before we get started on this post, if you or someone with you has just been bitten by a funnel web spider, seek immediate medical attention. Also… First aid treatment for a suspected funnel-web spider bite consists of immediately applying a pressure immobilisation bandage; a technique which consists of wrapping the bitten limb with a [...]


On Monday we had the Better Life Index in my post Reasons to be Cheerful: Part Three which is about listing the happiest countries in the world. Australia romped home on that one for the fourth year running. So, that’s it then, Australia = happy. Or does it? Let me introduce you to… The Misery [...]