
Regular readers will know that, more often than not, my post on Monday is about what we did at the weekend. But today, I’m finding it difficult to bring myself to do that. Why? As you will know, I used to live in Europe, England to be precise, and I still have friends back there, [...]


If you haven’t yet read Vivienne’s email to me which was the subject of yesterday’s post, it might be an idea to do that now before reading my reply. My reply. Firstly, wild horses couldn’t drag me back to England now, I love my life in Australia and I’m here to stay. We all love [...]


Two years ago to the day, almost to the hour as I write this, (its 6:30 p.m. here in Australia, so it’s around half eight in the morning back in the England), I was waking up in the UK for the very last time. So today I am celebrating two years since we left England. [...]

Making New Friends

I talked about making new friends last week but what I really was trying to say is this. When you say goodbye to your long-term friends and you know you are saying goodbye forever, your need to make new friends increases. Wherever you are living now, you probably have a steady, reliable, backdrop of friends [...]