Sunny Days


Time for a reprint of one of my recent articles for Australia and New Zealand magazine, this one is all about the sun and daylight hours. As I write this, it’s the middle of summer in the UK and I believe you are getting quite lengthy glimpses of the sun at the moment. But how [...]


It’s been an uncharacteristically miserable week here weatherwise in Brisbane considering it’s the middle of summer. It’s been dull, dreary, damp, rainy, grey and if I didn’t mention it already, dull. Dull, dull, dull, dull, dull. It has also been hot though, which is why I know it is not England. But Australia is supposed [...]

The Olgas

OK, the love affair with shorts is over! Yesterday my sister and brother-in-law jumped on a plane headed back to Old Blighty and they took the rain with them, just as they had bought it here in the first place. Or had they? I’ll come to that in a minute and also explain my heading [...]