
Australian Cuisine and Some Foods I’ve Managed to Avoid thumbnail

Those of you who are regular readers of Australia and New Zealand magazine will know that I no longer write a monthly article for them. My final piece for them, which appeared back in February 2018, was about Australian cuisine. Just to be clear though, before we push on, I’m no foodie and I can’t [...]


Four weeks ago I compared prices for fresh fruit and veg. I followed that up with a look at fresh meat prices. Then, to complete my trilogy, a couple of weeks ago I compared the prices of Australian and UK fresh fish. Obviously a trilogy cannot have a part four, because then it would need [...]


Two weeks ago we looked at Fresh Fruit and Veg: Australian and UK Prices Compared and last week it was Fresh Meat: Australian and UK Prices Compared. Today we complete our trilogy by looking at the price of fresh fish. Not so much whole fish, we are mostly going to be looking at fillets [...]

Fresh Fruit and Veg: Australian and UK Prices Compared thumbnail

It’s been quite some time since I’ve been virtual supermarket shopping, the last time I did it was probably my post The Cost of Living in Australia Update: Groceries. At that time I loaded up my trolley with a supermarket selection that included (but wasn’t limited to) breakfast cereal, coffee, bread, rice and some double [...]

Eat street

Those of you who have read every page of my website and committed it all to memory will surely remember Containerval Festival: Art, Crafts and Containers in Brisbane. Elizabeth and I had a great time wheeling Mrs Bob around in a wheelchair; she had a broken leg at the time. We returned to the same [...]


Well, not everything, but a bit. According to Lonely Planet, the top 10 countries in the world for food are: Thailand Greece China France Spain Mexico Italy India Japan Indonesia and Malaysia So, as much a paradise Australia might be, is not the place to come if you are a foodie. History of Australian food [...]