Citizenship Test


I imagine most of you reading a title like that are hoping to see something like this: Call this toll-free number – 1800 123456789-TEN When prompted, leave your full name and address. When asked for the purpose of your call answer, clearly, “Australian Citizenship”. Wait for your citizenship certificate to turn up in the post. [...]


As you know, I recently received a letter from Immigration Minister Chris Bowen informing me that my application for Australian citizenship had been approved. He also said I would soon receive an invitation from his department about my Australian citizenship ceremony. And I have. My, or rather our ceremony will take place on Australia Day, [...]


Step One: Check here to see if you qualify to apply, and if you do, pay the fee. Ours cost $260 each. Step Two: Wait to hear the date of your Australian citizenship test from the Department of Immigration & Border Control. Step Three: Crack open a tinnie of your favourite beer and…. Step Four: [...]


Or, more to the point, how not to be. On Saturday, during the day and all night, Mrs BobinOz and Elizabeth went out together leaving me home alone. Saturday was a torrid day, non-stop rain, dull and grey. Just like the old days. So I didn’t actually do anything exciting whatsoever. The phone rang at [...]