July 2015


Some time ago, a comment was made by somebody called George in which he claimed that Australia is behind the rest of the Western world for innovation. Amongst the many things he said, one of the lesser insulting remarks was “You can’t glory in World arena by having OZ made Wine, Beef and Tim Tam [...]


I’ve been chatting to Alistair McGuinness recently. Me and Alastair have a fair bit in common. We were both born and bred in the UK, I grew up in a town 30 miles east of London and Alistair spent his years living 30 miles north of the English capital. Both of us lived in the [...]


In typical Brisbane fashion the wicked cold snap we suffered precisely 12 days ago now seems to be well and truly behind us. Saturday was a beautiful winter’s day, 23°C with a never-ending clear blue sky. This was, in some ways, a bit of a pity because Saturday was the 25th July which is Christmas [...]


It’s Friday, which of course on this website means a YouTube video. I suppose I could have chosen the incredible footage of Australian surfer Mick Fanning fighting off a shark which was all caught live on TV. The video, which has been posted on YouTube, has already received more than 18 million views in the [...]


I last looked at this report a year ago in my post State of the States: a CommSec Report. As I mentioned then, the economies of each of our eight states and territories are run separately and this report delves into their performances in some depth. These reports are released every quarter by Commsec and [...]


I’ve often wondered what it would really be like to live in a small town in Australia. And when it comes to small towns, Australia’s got plenty of them. Most people who migrate to Australia though, they head for one of the big cities with Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and the very busy Sydney topping the [...]


On Wednesday we had a look at Brisbane’s so-called ‘cold snap’ in my post called It’s My Traditional Winter versus Summer Weather Battle. As you will have seen, it wasn’t really that cold at all in my home city, but elsewhere around Australia it has been cold. Jolly cold. Snow in Australia Three years ago [...]


Have you ever started to do something on a regular basis and then you find you just can’t stop? That’s exactly what’s happening right here, right now, on this website. It’s time for my traditional Brisbane’s winter versus London’s summer weather comparison. Brisbane’s winter versus London’s summer compared 2015 Yes, this particular head-to-head has been [...]