July 2011


Crocs in Cairns I have mentioned crocodiles quite a lot on this blog, but as I live in Brisbane I’ve never seen one in the wild and it’s very unlikely that I ever will this far south in the state. But in Far North Queensland, or FNQ as it’s known, crocodile sightings are becoming more [...]

Australia and New Zealand magazine

It is a little ironic that today’s reprint of my article for Australia and New Zealand magazine is called “It Was a Hot Day”. As you probably know, only a couple of weeks ago I was experiencing some “Very Cold Days” whilst holidaying in Tasmania. But as I write these articles a few months in [...]


On Friday, 2 October 2009, I got into my car at five o’clock to drive home. As it was five o’clock, and as it was a Friday, I was pretty sure it qualified for rush hour. So I stuck a camera to the windscreen of my car and decided to make a video of it. [...]

Anyone who has read the last two or three posts here during the past week, will know that I have travelled to one of the most southerly points in Australia during the middle of winter. As a result of that, I have spent a week enjoying some of the coldest weather Australia has to offer. [...]


Yes, exactly! What is the point of moving all the way to Australia and then going to Tasmania? Those were the shockingly short-sighted numbskull thoughts that went through my head when considering emigrating to Oz. Why move all the way to go from one cold place to another, I would wonder. I now eat my [...]

Russell Falls

It seems a while since I last posted here on this blog, and it is! Last Wednesday I was explaining how cold it was in Hobart and also bemoaning the slow Internet connection, which was taking (seemingly) 15 minutes to open a page. Well, we left Hobart, drove through Brighton, Bagdad, Kempton, Melton Mowbray and [...]


It’s around this time of the year I like to do my Australia vs England, winter vs summer weather comparison. Traditionally, I go to Google and take a snapshot of the weather in London and Brisbane, then compare the two. I do it in July which is the middle of winter here and summer in [...]


This morning, way earlier than I care to think about, I dragged my sorry butt out of bed, packed some bags into the boot of the car, and together with my wife and daughter, headed towards Brisbane airport. Our ultimate destination? The furthest (south), therefore most southernest, (almost) coldest, (probably) and potentially quaintest, (we shall [...]